Weight loss: Doing exercises while keeping in mind the stage at which you in your menstrual cycle can help in improving your exercise performance. Find out more here.

Should you exercise during your period? It is up to you and only you. Fitness trainer or health experts have almost never stated any rule to exercise or not during periods. So, if you feel fit and energetic enough to exercise at this time of the month, go ahead, no one’s stopping you. But, if you feel like lying in the bed all day, watching your favourite series and munching on some comfort food, then that’s okay too. Experts from Sweat, a fitness platform, recently took to Instagram to share about the variety of exercises that you can do throughout your menstrual cycle.

“Emerging research shows hormonal fluctuations throughout the whole menstrual cycle can actually have a range of effects on energy levels and exercise performance. This means when scheduling your workouts, it’s worth taking into account where you are at in your cycle and how this might affect your training,” they wrote in the caption of Insta post.

Exercises during your periods and different stages of your menstrual cycle

Being regular at exercise is said to have several benefits for your health. Not only can it help in bringing regularity in your menstrual cycle, it can also help in reducing cramps and pain during your periods.

In a video post, the fitness trainers share which exercises you should during different stages of your periods.


As mentioned above, you can simply opt for not doing anything during your menstruation. Or, if you feel like it, you can do Low-intensity steady state (LISS) training which includes light cardio and strength training, or some stretching exercises and yoga. These can help in reducing stress and tension in the body, and also calm you down completely. Walking or light cardio are considered to be great for recovery and can keep you fit during your workouts.

Follicular phase

The follicular phase of the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation. This stage is typically day 1 to day 11 of your menstrual cycle. At this point, your oestrogen levels go up as the body prepares to release an egg, and this is associated with an increase in energy.

At this stage, you can do exercises like high-intensity interval training, boxing and strength training, as they are likely to go in sync with your pumped up energy levels.

Ovulatory phase

This phase occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle, around day 12. While your oestrogen levels are still high, there is also an increase in luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The former triggers the body to start ovulating. At this stage too, your energy levels are high.

Experts recommend doing any form of fitness activity that makes you feel good during the ovulation phase of your menstrual cycle. It can include training at the gym or going for a run or nice walking, cycling or jogging session.

Luteal phase

This phase begins just after ovulation. It lasts about 14 days (unless you are pregnant) and ends just before you get your periods. You may still feel as energetic as your ovulation phase here, but it starts to go down as you are about to get your periods.

Low intensity cardio, yoga and pilates are a few exercises that are recommended during stage of your menstrual cycle. While yoga can help in easing premenstrual syndrome, pilates can help in offering relief from any kind of muscular tension.

Besides, there’s no hard and fast rule to perform any of these exercises, if your body does not support it. The priority is to exercise and be regular at it, consistently. Do what suits your body type, energy and even mood. As long as you are exercising regularly, you’re good to go!


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