Weight loss: Always read food labels and avoid foods that contain high fructose corn syrup and added flavours. Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal explains more.

You may be avoiding sugar by not eating sugary foods and desserts. But, it is the hidden forms of sugar which you really need to worry about. For instance, eating cookies, cake and bread, then your sugar intake may still be high. Talking about ways to spot these hidden sources of sugar is nutritionist Nmami Agarwal on Instagram. “Are you skipping cookies, cake or other sweet food items to reduce your sugar intake? Give yourself an A for effort, but you’re probably still eating more sugar than you realise,” she writes in the caption of her post.

How to spot hidden sources of sugar

To filter out hidden sources of sugar from your diet, it is important to know that sugar is not just found in sweets, desserts and soft drinks. In fact, it can be found in canned food, junk food, breads and also the snacks that are advertised as “healthy”.

“For identifying the hidden sources of sugar, make sure you read the labels before buying anything,” says Agarwal in the video while adding that you need to stay away from any product which says ‘added sugar’ in its labels.

While reading the label, see if the product contains high fructose corn syrup, and if yes, then know that the said product is not a good choice if you are trying to cut down on sugar.

What about fruit juices or brown sugar?

According to Agarwal, these foods too need to be avoided, if you want to lose weight, cut down on your sugar intake, or if you want to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Tips to reduce sugar intake

Apart from avoiding the obvious sources of sugar like white refined sugar, desserts, brown sugar, diet soda, aerated drinks and fruit juices, here are other tips that can help in cutting down your sugar intake:

1. Opt for homemade ketchups and dips, instead of canned, packed or bottled ones.

2. Sugar has several names. Fructose, sucrose, glucose and dextrose etc are all forms of sugar. If a product label mentions any one of them, you probably should avoid it.

3. Say no to artificial sweeteners. Natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, dates, jaggery and coconut sugar are all healthier sugar alternatives that you can have.

All in all, it is important to note that consuming sugar is like consuming empty calories. And if you want to lose weight, then sugar must definitely be off the table.


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