Our immune system is more like our best friend. This is because it protects us from harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses that can cause serious infections and illnesses. So, you should support it completely. In return, you will have perks that you can expect from any good friend. According to Dr. Kanury Rao, a leading immunologist, researcher, and scholar – the immune system is responsible for creating, storing, managing, and distributing white blood cells. Since these cells fight viruses and bacteria in the body, your immune system should be in the right condition to keep you healthy during the flu and cold season.
However, there are countless myths revolving around the immune system and its functions. So, you should gain proper information beforehand to keep that misleading information at bay. Through this post, we have tried to break those myths and spread awareness. Let us begin.
- Myth: You can keep your immune system healthy and strong through supplements only
Fact: Several studies have been conducted already wherein outcomes have shown some impressive effects of consuming fresh veggies and fruits daily. When you eat fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits daily, you will notice that you do not fall sick often. Since they contain nutrients and minerals, your immune system can gain the power to fight bacteria and viruses.
- Myth: Sleeping has zero effects on the immune system
Fact: Amid a hectic lifestyle, it is tough to sleep 6-8 hours daily, it has some adverse effects on the body. This is because of the close link shared between the immune system and sleep. However, sleeping enough is needed to provide your body with the power so that it can fight back against viruses and bacteria.
Please note, sleep requirements are different from one person to another. According to a study, most adults require 7-8 hours of sleep, while teens need at least 9-10 hours of sleep to stay fit. School-goers, preschoolers, and newborns, on the other hand, require 10, 11-12, and 16-18 hours of sleep to stay fit and active. As stated by Kanury Rao, unfortunately, the average sleeping duration for adults has decreased in the last few years because of work pressure, hectic lifestyles, inactive routines, and an imbalanced diet.
- Myth: Attitude does not affect the immune system in any manner
Fact: Surprisingly, your positive outlook and attitude are good for your immune system and overall health. A few times back, a study was done by the law students. Their findings show that their immune system has a direct link with their thoughts. When they were feeling good in the school or about the school, their immunity was something else.
When they were stressed or worried about anything, the immune system slowed down automatically. The upshot here is that you should equip your brain with positive thoughts and approaches to keep the immune system in the right conditions.
- Myth: Covering your mouth with a mask cannot keep cough, cold, and flu-causing germs and viruses at bay
Fact: Sneezing, coughing, and even talking close to a person who is suffering from the flu or cold can make you sick. How? When the patient talks or sneezes, the virus-containing droplets can get into the surroundings. When you inhale, those harmful droplets can enter your body even if you are standing or sitting 3-4 feet away.
In case you are the person suffering from these issues, you are advised to stay at home. If you have to go out, Dr. Kanury Rao suggests covering the face with a high-quality mask. When no mask is available, sneeze or cough inside the elbow. Lastly, you should also wash your hands so often and do not touch your face frequently. All these will keep your recover fast or stay fit.
- Myth: Supplements fasten the healing process
Fact: If you are living a hectic lifestyle where your diet is affected or you do not eat properly, taking multivitamins daily is undeniably a good idea. However, you should never take a mega-dose of any supplement or vitamin. This is because it will not be going to help your immune system anyway. Instead, add seasonal vegetables, fruits, and so on to your diet to provide your body and the immune system with the necessary nutrients.
- Myth: Kids should take supplements to have a strong immune system
Fact: Yes, minerals and vitamins matter a lot for kids. However, the same should be provided in the natural-most form. For this, you should give them a healthy and balanced diet. In case your little one is a vegetarian, a vegan, or a picky eater, you should consult with his/her doctor to see if they prescribe any supplement. Always keep in mind that never give your child over-the-counter supplements as it can affect them adversely.
What is Next?
Besides the myths and facts discussed above, some people think that exercise does not have any impact on the immune system. However, the reality is completely different. Working out moderately and regularly can manage your body weight, lower blood pressure, and prevent various health issues – Kanury Rao. So, before trusting or following anything, get clarity from your immunologist to stay fit.