Some individuals are only starting their workdays when others are heading for bed. As such, most night shift workers tend to have a disturbed eating and sleeping routine overall. You must create a healthy and fulfilling meal plan to avoid a wide range of health problems in the future. This is where late-night grocery delivery services come into play.
Night Shift Eating Plan: When Should You Eat?
It is always considered a great idea to start your night or shift with a proper meal right before starting work. As you are approaching midnight, it is recommended to consider holding back your meal intake while adding smaller portions or snacks throughout the remaining shift as needed. You can try out this simple trick: eat fully at the start of the shift while choosing smaller, lesser portions at the end of the shift.
The reason for this late-night meal timing is to ensure proper digestion as well as metabolism throughout. Both bodily processes are not highly efficient during the night when you are about to sleep naturally. During your late night shift, you might be fully awake. However, your bodily movements, like digestion and metabolism, are not! This implies that you should not aim to have a wholesome meal during midnight. It will not digest in the same manner it would during the day.
Experts suggest having dinner some hours before heading to work, especially if you are working through the night. The best aspect of timing your meal or food intake before the night shift is that you get to enjoy a proper dinner with your loved ones before heading out. To compensate for the loss of proper meal timing, you can always opt for late-night grocery delivery services from reliable providers like Swiggy Instamart.
What Should You Prefer Eating at Night?
As you work during the night shift, it might cause an overall change in the digestive process, appetite, sleep patterns, and even the tendency to either gain or lose weight. However, as you possess the knowledge to eat the right kinds of food items while including the same in your night shift, it will help in avoiding all potential issues.
Some of the healthy food options you can consider ordering for late-night grocery delivery are:
1. Foods with Low GI
Research has revealed that the pancreas is not known to function properly when your circadian rhythm is disturbed, especially while working late at night. This tends to affect the overall ability of your body to effectively manage blood sugar levels. Eventually, it could lead to blood sugar spikes, especially due to the intake of specific food items.
Some of the best food items to order late at night are those having a low GI or Glycemic Index. It is because these types of food items bring about a gradual increase in the body’s blood sugar levels. Some of the food options in this category are healthy veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts.
2. Lean Protein
Most individuals who work late at night tend to consume protein abundantly to keep them fuller for long. Some also prefer proteins as it helps them in building muscle mass. However, it is crucial to understand that having too much protein will make your body lose water content readily. Therefore, you must ensure how large your portions are for protein intake.
For instance, when you are ordering grocery late at night from Swiggy Instamart, low-fat dairy products can serve as a great source of lean proteins to have at such hours. Some of the food options in the given category include cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt with whole-grain cereal.
3. Foods That Hydrate
As you work during later hours of the night, drinking ample fluids can serve as one of the most effective ways to remain fit and healthy even with a disturbed routine. While working late at night, your body continues to lose water at a constant rate through breathing and perspiration. Therefore, keeping yourself hydrated will help you with your overall energy levels and optimal health.
Some of the food items that are great for hydration, especially during the wee hours of the night, are watermelon, cantaloupe, apricots, strawberries, and other moisture-rich food items. These are easily available for late-night grocery delivery services through Swiggy Instamart. While it is highly tempting, you should avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee or soda as they might only lead to dehydration. If you are working in a warm environment, it is recommended to order items like watermelon or canned peaches to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.
4. Healthy Fats
Healthy forms of fats, like monosaturated fats, are great for your body due to a myriad of reasons. When you are having dinner before heading for your night shift, you can make sure that you include this form of healthy fat in your meal. Nuts and olive oil are common instances of foods containing monosaturated fats.
What Not to Eat at Night: Foods to Avoid
As a night shift worker, you might tend to either eat unhealthy items or overeat as you might feel that you have not eaten throughout the day.
However, certain types of food items that you should avoid ordering late at night are:
- Caffeine: Caffeine ends up altering your normal sleep pattern while also interfering with normal digestion. Therefore, you might consider avoiding caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, energy drinks, or any other caffeine-containing food item.
- Simple Carbs: Carb-rich foods should be avoided before going to bed as they increase the overall levels of melatonin. It is a hormone responsible for controlling the time our bodies shift from wakefulness to sleepiness. Therefore, you should avoid eating pasta, rice, and bread late at night.
Working during the night shift is an overwhelming process, especially for your overall health. With the ease of late-night grocery delivery services with Swiggy Instamart, you can suffice the health and nutrition needs of your body accordingly.
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