‘World Sleep Day’ is celebrated every year on the third Friday in March. This year 19 March means World Sleep Day is being celebrated today. It was first celebrated in the year 2008. Since then, World Sleep Day is celebrated every year on the third Friday in March. Its main purpose is to make people aware of the connection between sleep and health. Nowadays people have started sleeping less in the life of a runaway. This adversely affects their mental and physical health. For this, doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours daily. This year, the theme of ‘World Sleep Day’ is ‘Regular Sleep, Healthy Future’. Come, let us know about the history and importance of World Sleep Day
History of World Sleep Day
The World Sleep Society organizes several programs on the occasion of World Sleep Day. People go through many diseases due to not getting enough sleep. To prevent this, the World Sleep Society started World Sleep Day. Today, World Sleep Day is celebrated in more than 88 countries around the world. It was first celebrated in the year 2008. Adequate sleep is essential to stay healthy. For this, World Sleep Society started World Sleep Day. So that people can become aware.
What to do for a relaxed sleep
Dr. Verma says that for better sleep, do not go to sleep immediately after eating food, definitely walk for a while after eating, eat a balanced and healthy diet, do not eat heavy food. Do not consume alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea, cold drinks before going to bed, the sleeping room should be clean, cool, dark, and free from allergies and odors, and the bed of the bed should be thin. TV, computer, mobile users should be restricted. Dr. Verma says that in allopathy where it is recommended to eat a sleeping pill, homeopathic medicines are effective in the treatment of sleep disorders and that too without any side effects. The biggest feature of homeopathic medicines is that the person does not take them and these medicines provide natural sleep to the person. By adopting some precautions, by regularizing the lifestyle, by taking balanced sleep, life can be made healthy and happy.
Importance of world sleep day
In modern times, people are troubled by a variety of diseases due to poor routines, wrong eating, stress, and less sleep. These include poor sleep and stress affect mental health. This step of the World Sleep Society is commendable. Through this, awareness of sufficient sleep is spread among the people. If you want to be healthy, then sleep 8 hours daily.